Monday, March 2, 2009

Darwin's theory of evolution is one of the leftists' tools to refute a creator. They say that is not possible to read the bible and use that book's chronology. Earth being created in six days. Time is used here not as logically assumed but more as an order of how things came about. The six days are merely six major events. Reading the first book "Genesis" one can see the discription of what some call the Big Bang Theory. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The earth was formless, without form empty darkness was everywhere. God said let there be light and there was. So out of nothing there was a great explosion of light. The big bang. The rest of the second chapter tells of the evolution of the solar system. The formation of earth, out of gases to solidity. Water was added from the gases. Hydrogen and oxygen both gases form water H2O. Absolutely logical interpretation.
As the tale goes eventually man is formed. But this is not immediate because there are two creation stories with subtle changes of wording. It could be that translation is bad resulting in the two creations but I think that it has purpose. The first creation is of male and female not neccisarily the finished product. The second creation is when the creatures are called man and woman. I see a very strong possibility of the originals being evolved into the current being.
See the Bible just taught evolution.
Now another of Darwin's theories was survival of the fittest. Why then does the left not espose to this theory as well. As evolution goes the strongest mate and create a stronger and stronger species. However the left tends to prop up the weak, mating together to create a weaker species.
Is it not strange that the left props up a man for one train of thought then totally opposite end on the other. the funny thing about this paradox is that evolution does not continue when the species gets weaker it just dies off

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So Obama promised to change America but in fact he just bloated an already bloated system.
Big brother is here better watch out. fairness doctrine attacks only radio talk shows? must think why that is? abc,cbs,nbc,msnbc,cnn,npr all voice the liberal agenda will there be responses to the liberal propaganda as well or will television be off limits. what about print media, they all backed obama why did waxman not cry out the injustice.
I do not believe these media need to have the government telling them how to run there businesses. All businesses have to cater to there customers wants and needs. I do not go to a Chinese restaurant and expect to get pizza.
So then why are they so afraid of talk radio. Of course there is a logical reason fascists attack the opposition. Chavez took over anti - media outlet that voiced opposition, China consistently suppresses the news letting only what the government deems appropriate to be viewed by the masses, Russia still punishes the opposition media and Cuba the same Is this where we are headed. Freedom has been taken from us for a very long time. Under the guise of the government knows what is best for us because after all we are all stupid. They tell us trans fat is bad yet 30 years ago the same idiots told us that butter was bad use margarine (trans fat) instead. I am sure chemical sweeteners will be harmful as well. Ride a motorcycle with a helmet, while that is relatively sound advice that is all it should be. Seat belts enforcement as well. I drove a cab and I can tell you if you use your seat belt you have no protection in a robbery. Nonetheless still good advice to where a seat belt. Drugs, this is the one that baffles me. This drug is harmful but legal because of the money generated in sin tax but this one, though more or less harmful than the aforementioned is illegal.
The government does not know better nor do they have our best interest in mind. This is all about control. They want to control every aspect of our lives.
More at a later date